The feet and sensory systems can develop properly when children are allowed to take off their shoes and play barefoot. Learn the health benefits of walking barefoot including, the development of the feet, proper mechanics, kinesthetic awareness, sensory stimulation, fine motor control, and strength.
Sensory play activities can be a great way to stimulate your baby or toddler’s development while having fun. From playing with basil seeds in water to exploring different textures, there’s no limit to the imaginative world you can create! With a little bit of planning and a few materials, you can provide your little one with exciting and stimulating activities that will both challenge their fine motor skills and teach them important skills while having a blast!
This bubble wrap activity is great for the child with tactile defensiveness that still wants to participate in messy play. It builds fine motor skills in several areas: finger strength, arch development, eye-hand coordination, finger isolation, and more:
Building block activities like building block towers, and stacking blocks support development of many skills for young children. By using creative block activities in play, children can thrive in their skill development. Here, we’ll discuss how and why building with blocks is so powerful in development of kids. We’re covering all things building block activities and exactly HOW to maximize skills like fine motor skills, visual perception, and even social emotional skills…all with toy blocks!