Have you seen children who bump into their peers?  Maybe they have trouble determining their left from their right?  Perhaps you ask them to walk somewhere and they are completely unfamiliar with how to get there even though they have been there many times before? More and more children are using smartphones for longer hours and at a younger age.  Overuse of technology in children has been associated with many negative factors such as decreased physical activity, decreased social skills, and poo

Have you seen children who bump into their peers?  Maybe they have trouble determining their left from their right?  Perhaps you ask them to walk somewhere and they are completely unfamiliar with how to get there even though they have been there many times before? More and more children are using smartphones for longer hours and at a younger age.  Overuse of technology in children has been associated with many negative factors such as decreased physical activity, decreased social skills, and poo Pediatric Occupational Therapy