Transition times can be tough. Wouldn’t it be great if you had something super handy and easy to use to keep your children focused, engaged, and maybe even moving between activities? We’ve got you covered! Yoga Moves for Transitions Times includes 35 creative ways to get children focused and engaged during those in-between moments. (affiliate)

Transition times can be tough. Wouldn’t it be great if you had something super handy and easy to use to keep your children focused, engaged, and maybe even moving between activities? We’ve got you covered! Yoga Moves for Transitions Times includes 35 creative ways to get children focused and engaged during those in-between moments. (affiliate)
Transition times can be tough. Wouldn’t it be great if you had something super handy and easy to use to keep your children focused, engaged, and maybe even moving between activities? We’ve got you covered! Yoga Moves for Transitions Times includes 35 creative ways to get children focused and engaged during those in-between moments. (affiliate) Sensory activities for kids